Frequently Asked Questions

Does my application need to be submitted in English?
  • Yes, all applications must be submitted in English. 

Can I apply for more than one Roddenberry initiative at a time? 
  • No, you may only apply for one Roddenberry Foundation initiative at a time.

Can I re-apply for an initiative if I wasn't selected?
  • If your project has evolved since you last applied, you may re-apply for the initiative. However, if you have already received a grant from the Foundation, you are no longer eligible to apply for another grant.

    • If you have applied for the Catalyst Fund, you may re-apply with a different initiative 12 months from the date of receiving notice on your previous application. 

    • If you have applied for the Fellowship or Prize, you may re-apply when the program is open. 

If I already received a grant, can I apply?
  • At this time, you may not apply for a grant with the Roddenberry Foundation if you have already received grant funding, unless directly invited to apply. 
Does the Roddenberry Foundation own my idea/project if I apply? 
  • No, we do not own your idea/project if you apply. You remain the sole owner of your own work and all associated IP. 

Is my application saved in the portal? Can I review past applications? 
  • Yes, within the application portal you can review all applications that were submitted after May 2019. Any applications submitted before May 2019 are unfortunately not available. 

Who do I contact if I have tech questions? 
  • You can send a question within the application portal in the Message Center. Someone will be in touch with you during business hours. Please don’t hit us up on all the channels (social, email, snail mail, etc.) - we will get back to you as soon as possible via the message center. 

When will I hear back if I have received a grant? 
  • Timelines for grant announcements vary per initiative. We recommend you check out the website and FAQ of the program you have applied for.